Implants have the ability to hold crown, bridge or over-denture. They require same care and maintenance as natural teeth. They are durable and can last long. Implants can replace the teeth which are lost due to injury or disease. They have some advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of dental implants are:
- Unlike removable bridges which may become loose and unstable, implants provide dental replacements which have a natural look and are functional.
- They last for a lifetime.
- Dental implants enhance chewing comfort and improve aesthetic appearance and helps you to chew the food better and makes you clear when talking, smiling.
- Dental implants preserve natural tooth tissue, reduces the load on remaining teeth by providing independent support.
- A well trained professional must be needed to perform dental implantation.
- A disadvantage of dental implants are they require a huge investment and this procedure is very costly.
- The patient has to wait for a long time period which may be a large number of days to successfully complete the procedure.
- It may also cause risk for the patient and must be able to bear the procedure.
- When seen the above details, we can say that when conducted in a proper manner dental implants are beneficial.
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Cosmetic Dentist London
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