Sunday, February 13, 2011

Benefits of Public Liability Insurance For Pets

Pet owners are legally responsible for the actions of their pets. If pet injures someone or is responsible for an accident, it is only the owner of that animal who is liable for prosecution and claims and compensation. So, to get through this kind of situations it is better to buy a public liability insurance policy.

Third party liability insurance, basically protects the owner of the pet, financially, like in events such as causing harm or injury to other persons or damage to the property. Under the 1971 Animals Act, damage to vehicles by the pets is also included. Some third party liability options serves to protect the owner of the pet, if the pet causes death of the other person.

Pet Insurance always offers public liability cover for Dog and Horse. The owner of a dog should certainly take out third party liability cover because if we observe the legal cases relating to pets in the recent past it is the dogs which cause more problems to the public. Dog ownership is so prolific in the UK and dogs come into contact with the general public more often than most other pets do.

It is better to buy a public liability insurance policy which covers for different animals rather than buying for only dog. So, it is important for a pet owner to consider public liability insurance.

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