Friday, December 14, 2007

Getting Your First Tattoo

Getting your first tattoo can be both exciting and nerve-racking. But, there are a number of things you can do to make it easier on yourself.
  • One of the most important things, when deciding to get that first tattoo, is to find a reputable tattoo parlor. Stay away from unlicensed places, or tattoo artists who work out of their homes. Chances are that their standards may not be as high as those of licensed parlors. Ask friends about their experiences and be sure to visit the parlor. While there, look around and talk to the artists. Is the parlor clean? Are the artists willing to talk about procedures and cleanliness? Make an appointment if you like what you see.
  • Before booking an appointment, you'll want to look at lots of designs so you get the right one. Tattoo My Brain has a huge selection of designs of every type to choose from. You really can't go wrong with this site. Once you find the one you want, print it off and bring it into the tattoo parlor. Ask to see samples of the tattoo artists' work so you can choose an artist who has a style that matches your expectations. Does one of the artists' specialize in the type of tattoo you are looking for? At this point get a price estimate. It wouldn't hurt to visit several parlors to get a few other prices just so you can compare.
  • As the time approaches for your appointment, get your body ready. Put lots of lotion on the spot you have chosen for your tattoo in the week before you are to have it done. Drink lots of water too. Well-moisturized, hydrated skin is easier to tattoo. Avoid drinking or taking aspirin for a few days prior to your appointment. Both alcohol and aspirin are blood thinners, so style, design, if you have these in your system, you'll bleed a lot more when you are getting your tattoo, and this makes it more difficult for the artist to work.
  • Try to schedule your appointment on a day when you will have lots of time to get the tattoo. This takes some of the stress and pressure off of you, as you won't be worrying about time constraints. It also avoids rushing the artist. Depending on how complex and how many colors are being applied, you may have to make more than one visit.
  • Getting a tattoo is painful. Some people have a lower tolerance for pain than others. In any case there will be some discomfort, so be prepared and try to relax. Maybe bring your IPod to listen to, a magazine to read, or video game to play. Keeping yourself occupied will help pass the time more quickly and make you less aware of pain.

Be sure to follow the after- care recommendations that your artist will give you, in order for your tat to heal properly. When your tattoo has healed, pay a return visit to the parlor to show your artist. He or she will be able to schedule your next appointment if you're getting more work done, or even do a touch-up if needed. If you follow these suggestions getting your first tattoo will be no problem.

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