Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Causes of Yeast Infection

First you have to be alert about the symptoms of the yeast infection and learn how to treat it in early stage. There are many causes of yeast infection. Fungus is the primary reason for yeast infection in women.

Immune system: If any one has lower immune system then it causes rapid growth of bacteria. Immunity is reduced by lack of sleep, or sickness. Due to stress also yeast infection can occur.

Hormones: Vaginal infection can be caused by changes in hormones towards the end of the menstruation cycle in women. Yeast infection may occur because of the birth control and pregnancy. Women experience periodic infections at the time of pregnancy.

Antibiotics: This is main cause of yeast infections in American women. If any one uses certain types of antibiotics continuously then it cause yeast infection. It does not matter which type of antibiotics and how long you have used.

Diabetes: If any one has diabetes then it may cause yeast infections. Candida organisms can be encouraged to multiply by high blood sugar levels. There are high chances of yeast infection in women if she has diabetes.

Other factors: The other factor which cause yeast infection are fatigue, stress and wearing tight clothes.

These are the causes of yeast infection. It is better to be aware about causes of yeast infections. Anyway, there is no need to worry because there are treatments for these yeast infections.

Related Links:
yeast infection home remedy

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