Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Impacts Of Opium Drug Abuse

Opium will produce euphoria (extreme happiness), succeeded by a feel of well being and a calm laziness or sedation. Breathing slows down, probably to the stage of unconsciousness and death when large doses are consumed. Other effects of opium are nausea, confusion and constipation. Consumption of opium with other substances, which depress the central nervous system like alcohol, antihistamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, or general anesthetics, develops the danger of life-threatening respiratory depression.

Long-term use can cause drug tolerance, which means the user requires more of the drug in order to get same euphoric effects. Opium use can cause physical dependence and addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are observed if long term use is reduced or stopped.

The body and brain gets completely dependent on the drug for the psychological effects it creates. The brain will stop creating endorphins of its own, as opium can create same thing in a much better way by filling the pleasure receptors and fixing to them at a very fast rate. The body will not function without the mind and will not feel pleasure without consuming opium-created endorphins. At this satge physical and psychological dependence is created.

Related Links:
Marijuana testing
Saliva drug test

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