Vehicle insurance is also called as auto insurance or car insurance or motor insurance. Generally people for trucks, cars, and other vehicles buy this insurance. Insured is protected from losses or liability, which occurs by accidents. In many areas, motor vehicle should be insured before coming on to the roads. Car and driver should have insurance in many jurisdictions.
Coverage levels: sometimes it covers all items or some items like
Basis of premium charges:
Sometimes government charges or another insurance company determines the insurance premium. It depends on jurisdiction. According to jurisdiction government sets, the price of premium depends. Sometimes insurer has the opportunity to fix the price on physical damage coverage than on mandatory liability coverage.
Many factors like gender, age, vehicle position, driving history, affect the premium price. Generally women’s average driving miles per anum is less than men’s average driving miles. People those who don’t have driving report will have high vehicle insurance. If drivers have negative driving history like moving violence and crossing red lights, speeding then they can have high price insurance. Accidents, vehicle speed and design and vehicle classification and its performance level affect premium.
Coverage levels: sometimes it covers all items or some items like
- Insured vehicle
- Third parties, these may be car and people
- Third party, fire and theft
- In some area authorities, persons those who ride in the insured car are covered for injuries without concern the fault in the vehicle accident
- Each item is covered under the conditions by different policies. For example, insurance can cover the vehicle from theft, accident damage, and fire damage individually
Basis of premium charges:
Sometimes government charges or another insurance company determines the insurance premium. It depends on jurisdiction. According to jurisdiction government sets, the price of premium depends. Sometimes insurer has the opportunity to fix the price on physical damage coverage than on mandatory liability coverage.
Many factors like gender, age, vehicle position, driving history, affect the premium price. Generally women’s average driving miles per anum is less than men’s average driving miles. People those who don’t have driving report will have high vehicle insurance. If drivers have negative driving history like moving violence and crossing red lights, speeding then they can have high price insurance. Accidents, vehicle speed and design and vehicle classification and its performance level affect premium.