Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Functionality of a Dental X-ray Machine

X-rays are widely used in dental imaging for diagnosis and prognosis. X-ray machines are sued in dentistry to see the inner structure which cannot be seen by human eyes. And, by using x-ray machines, the dentist can examine the teech for cavity, gum infection, etc. If you are suffering from any problem, due to the pain the dentist felt difficulty to identify the exact problem with naked eyes. In this case, we need x-ray of the group of teech. This will help the dentist have a simple view of mouth and teeth. In this article, we'll discuss the functionality and different types of x-ray imaging.

X-rays are one type of electromagnetic radiation waves. The energy emitted by x-ray machine is passes directly through the body at a safe level. In the dental x-ray copy, generally there are three colors used. Black indicates air, white indicates metal fillings and gray color indicates teeth and gums. By this, dentist comes to know about the information what he needed exactly. He will immediately be able to know pinpoint in location and accordingly he is going to take plans.

Three types of x-rays are used in dentistry. Depending on the dentists' needs related to images, x-rays are used for going to use.

Bitewing x-ray
This will helps to take a view of upper and lower teeth. And also for bone loss which could be caused by gingivitis and gum diseases.

Periapical x-ray
In this type of x-rays, we can see one or two teeth from top to bottom. From the crown to the underlying roots. This test is done generally when oral diseases are suspended in the gum and jawline.

Palatal occlusion x-ray
By using palatal occlusion x-rays, we can capture all above and bottom teeth of mouth in a single shot.

Panoramic x-ray
This is one of the most important x-ray. This requires a special type of machine to capture the jaw image and teeth image in one shot. This machine moves around the head to capture.  It is very helpful while tarting an affected wisdom teeth, implant or root problems.

Modern X-ray machines are helpful to examine the problem in dentistry like: what exactly is. The x-ray techniques used in these machines make it clear for the dentist as well as the patient regarding what course of treatment needs to be undertaken.

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